“first say to yourself what you would be, and then do what you have to do“


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I grew up in the east of the Netherlands and left home after high school to explore the world. I lived and worked in Bangkok for a number of months and for a longer period of time in Milan, an exciting period in which I learned a lot. I set myself goals, made concrete plans and anticipated next steps. Skills that I subconsciously used a lot later in life.

After an adventurous time, I started a completely different kind of life in Amsterdam where I went to study. I completed the master Entrepreneurship & Innovation in my dream city, Sydney, where I was supposed to stay for five months. Five months, turned into five years. I worked for a start-up, tried a big corporate and had a small business on the side (fun fact: I have provided many Sydney siders with home-cooked meals).

From Sydney back to Amsterdam and from startups to the Zuidas: 2020 started with a new challenge. But as for many, 2020 turned out to be different. For me, this period also meant that I was able to "tune in" very well to what is important to me. I realised that the Zuidas might not be my place and that I always got so much energy from everything that comes with small businesses: from the passion that drives the company to the fact that you determine the course yourself. Gradually everything fell into place: I bundled my knowledge, experience, creativity and love for entrepreneurship and for helping others into my own company, Martine Julie.